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We have 2 purpose built rooms in our nursery.


Our "Green", room is for our children aged 3-4. This room is led by our teachers:-

Gill Quigley

Amy McKevitt

Rebecca Law  




Our "Red" room is for our 2 year old children.  This room is lead by :-

Lyndsay Simpson

We have an extensive outdoor area full of play and learning resources as well as plenty of space for your children to play and explore.


Our staff will teach your children about the trees we have in the outdoor area and when necessary or possible, will plant sapling trees with the children.  We currently have apple and pear trees from which we use the fruit picked by the children to make apple and pear crumbles and pies. The children have planted strawberry plants, they have nurtured them and pick the fruit when ripe.  All the children love to eat the fruits of their labour!


We also have a vegetable and herb plot in the outdoor area which the children are encouraged to help with.  This not only helps them develop the knowledge of how they grow but also to identify the various vegetables and herbs.  
